Monday, September 16, 2013

Pelasgian Creation Myth

I was assigned the greek Pelasgian Creation Myth to share with the class, and might I say, it was pretty entertaining!

So Eurynome, the supreme creatitrix of all things, rises from Chaos and decides that she wants to dance on the waves.  Dance! So, she splits the sky and sea.  While shes dancing, she catches the wind in her hand and rubs it together between her palms, creating Ophion, the serpent.  Well, Eurynome has the hots for the serpent, and therefore turns into a dove and sleeps with him.  After this, she lays a Cosmic Egg.  She orders Ophion to wrap himself around the egg 7 times to incubate it. 

After doing this, the egg splits in half, releasing everything in existence today-  except people.  Ophion starts to get pretty boastful of his creation, and Eurynome doesn't like the lack of spotlight.  So, she kicks Ophion out of Mount Olympus, scattering his teeth in the process.  And, from these teeth came the Pelasgains! 

There where some cool overlaps in this story in relation to other creation myths.  The 7-day process seemed to occur quite often- not jut in the Genesis version.  Also, the use of the serpent seems to be pretty popular as well.  Something I found different about this story was the fact that a godDESS was the creator.  In most stories, a god or male creator does all the work. GIRL POWER!

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