Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Trees have all the answers

The tree-hugging assignment got me thinking about the importance of origins.

In a way, trees can answer the root (pun not intended) question of this class, "Where did it all begin?"

If we go back to Genesis, we find the story/myth of the garden of Eden, which contained the tree bearing the fruit of knowledge of good and evil.  What took place there with Adam, Eve, and the serpent is considered the beginning of the fall of man.  The first sin that occurred under the branches of the tree defined the course of mankind forever.

A tree is truly the Axis Mundis.  It bore the knowledge of GOD.  How much more of an earth-heaven connection can you get? It is the center of beginnings. Good AND evil.

Trees have been around forever.  Their size, type, and location can tell us tons of things about the past that we were not around to experience.  They stay constant while their surroundings change.  

I am typing up this blog under a tree. On a laptop.

30 years ago, this would have never been possible.  However, this tree has seen books being read, cellphones first answered, and now, blogs posted.

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